
TV licence – Scam email alert

TV LICENCE SCAMS Please be aware that there are a number of scams being sent by email at the moment suggesting that you can renew your TV licence at a lower price than the £157.50 charged by TV Licencing. These are scams. Please do not click on the ‘Renew Now’ and simply delete these emails. […]

TV licence fees

  The following statement was issued by AgeUK on Thursday 9th July 2020 following the announcement that the TV licence fee changes would be implemented on 1st August 2020. The NHS Retirement Fellowship will continue to support AgeUK  on this issue. Don’t forget that if you’re over 75 and claim Pension Credit then you could […]

Boris Johnson speaks to 2 members of the Fellowship on the NHS 72nd birthday

We were delighted to facilitate this conversation between the Prime Minister and 2 of our members – Monica and Barbara – who were thrilled to take part. Well done ladies and thank you to Lucia Hiden the NHS Retirement Fellowship Communications Officer and to all the others in our organisation who worked so hard to […]

NHS 72nd birthday clap to say thank you – Sunday 5th July – please send us your photos

The NHS clap to say thank you together took place at 5pm on Sunday 5th July 2o2o. We would love to see you all clapping! Please post your pictures or video clips onto our Facebook page: or send them to so we can show the world how former NHS staff joined in. Thank […]

Scam email alert

Alert: We just wanted to make you aware that one of our members has had an email from sender ‘News’ with the title ‘NHSRF Online membership updates’ asking them to. Take action before Wednesday and to View article from a link which was attached. This email is not from the Fellowship and if you receive […]

Windrush Anniversary

Windrush Anniversary                                                             On the 72nd anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush in 1948, carrying migrants from the Caribbean to England, the NHS is marking the contribution of staff from more than 200 nationalities who have played a critical part in the shaping of the healthcare service – and who remain a […]

Have you Zoomed? – A guide to using Zoom for members and branches

Many of us have heard of Zoom but may not have used it. It can offer great opportunities for you to stay in touch with other members, friends and relatives. Some branches may find it useful to hold committee and other meetings using Zoom. The Fellowship is using it for some meetings and it has […]