
New look NHS Retirement Fellowship unveiled at conference

New look NHS Retirement Fellowship unveiled at conference SENIOR stakeholders from across the NHS were given the first look of the NHS Retirement Fellowship’s new identity and joined in discussions on how to support retired staff further. The NHS Retirement Fellowship is the national charity advocating and supporting retired staff throughout the NHS and has […]

Pat’s Sky Dive

Fellowship member Pat Lockett has plunged from the sky aged 90 to raise funds for hospitals in Bristol

The Patients Association

The Patients Association is an independent patient charity campaigning for improvements in health and social care for patients. The Association is a unique charity with an overarching remit covering all health and care issues. They work with patients directly: they are its members and supporters, and also the people who benefit from the Association’s help and advice services. The Patients Association also send out a weekly newsletter to members and subscribers. This newsletter contains an update on the latest health and social care news, an overview of the Association’s recent activities, and opportunities for people to have their say.