M25 group

A new group of over 30 branches inside, or just outside, the M25 has been launched by Sally Bundock, development officer for the south east.


The aim of the M25 group is to share activities and information about events and speakers.

Member branches can contact Sally to invite other branches to join one or more of their branch meetings or outings. Details are then e-mailed to all branch secretaries. Postal members in the area are also included. “This initiative is likely to be of particular interest to new or smaller branches” said Sally. “Some larger branches are often tight for space and may not wish to invite others, but they can offer events from other branches to their own members who may like to take part in a wider range of Fellowship events. They may also have some useful information to circulate about speakers.”

In August the new Royal Marsden branch invited M25 Group members to their monthly meeting where the speaker gave an excellent presentation on the Bayeux Tapestry. Members from the Royal London, Chelsea and Westminster, Guy’s and St. Thomas, Haringey, Hampstead and Watford attended. A central London walk arranged by Watford Branch attracted members as did the Whittington branch’s two visits to the Walthamstow Wetlands. Watford Branch are planning a number of London based walks for 2019 to which group members will be invited.

“We hope the group will continue to offer members more opportunities to take part in Fellowship activities” said Sally. “Any branch close to the M25 can join and would be very welcome to make contact. Individual members can also ask for their e-mails to be added to the distribution list. Sally can be contacted at london.eastanglia@nhsrf.org.uk

Chief Executive John Rostill commented: “This is a really innovative idea. I’d like to encourage other branches to share fellowship in the same way.”